Dario Ojeda

Dario Ojeda

    Dario Ojeda is a core wave windsurfer and a waterman. You can put him on any board, windsurfboard, SUP, shortboard, longboard… Dario cuts a fine figure. Dario is one of the few guys, who knows every rock at Pozo Izquierdo, who rides the waves almost on the bunker and who places his jumps, where other riders just try to escape from the rocks and sea urchins. 


    1996 : Wave Spaincup, Tenerife
    1997 : Wave Spaincup, Pozo
    1997 : Wave Trilogy, Mauritius
    1997 : Wave Trilogy, Capo Verde
    1999 : PWA Wave Worldcup Pozo, Gran Canaria 
    2001 : PWA Wave Worldcup Vargas, Gran Canaria
    2010 : Ranked 10th overall PWA Wave
    2011 : Ranked 6th overall PWA Wave
    2012 : Ranked 8th overall PWA Wave